

    Eat Me, Fool Moon, End of Summer, 2008

Opening September 13th, Brooklyn Gallery,
 VertexList  presentsNew Blood”, a group exhibition which "probes the empty, vacant, and vacuous nature of a world full of things where perception and the direct experience of “real-life” are blurred by the dense atmosphere of media,
consumption, and entertainment."

New Blood will feature a performance by the bad-ass- fabulous

Indidigurrito, 1992

"That's how Nao kicked off her infamous 1992 work "Indigurrito" in which she strapped-on a burrito to her loins and called for white men to come up on stage, take a bite out of the burrito and absolve themselves of 500 years of the white man's guilt. There was no shortage of enobled participants, who knelt in front of the protuding offering, some taking delicate bites, others deep-throated chunks. "

(I want Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Nao Bustamante to become King and Queen of the Universe)

This powerful image from Bustamante's upcoming performance strikes me for its rawness and the way she still manages her composure and stare despite the bizarre get-up.

"Given to Want", a live performance by Nao Bustamante 
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Had my family the foresight to leave me a trust fund, I would fly to Denmark to see Body Berserk at  Kunsthallen Brandts

Body Berserk 
Five international video artists 
show works focusing on the body

September 12 - January 11, 2008

Cecilie Dahl, Clothes for a Summer Hotel

These videos appeal to me for their dream- like
imagery and visual metaphor as well as their critical inversion of the mainstream
They've inspired me to continue
experimenting with layering my own images...

For Instance:  

Eat Me, End of Summer, Full Moon, 2008

Layering imagery, to me, is like a pile of grid.  I like the element of chance involved in randomly stopping the video, and the gauzy stuttering reminds me of his dreams.  

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