girls just wanna, 2008

yellow cake, 2008

nikeFace, 2008
The above images are indicative of the way that I view contemporary society.
Sure glad time is speeding up so that we can get this era over quicker. I'm worried we're going to loop back though... The guy in this photograph on exhibit at the Contemporary Art Centre, Lithuania was worried about the same thing in 1970...

Despite the fashion photography style of this image, which I dislike, I dig the way the frame renders the subject's near limbless and the way the man looks irritated by this. Or maybe he's irritated because a photographer has cut a hole in his ceiling to to take his picture. OR perhaps he just glimpsed the future, and despite being dressed appropriately and having a socially acceptable haircut, was disgusted by the political climate and his previously hot girlfriends sagging soul.

Martha Rosler, Point and Shoot, 2008
I appreciate Rosler's new series for its glaring juxtapositions as well as its utilization of new digital media. It is on view in conjunction with the lecture series, OUT NOW!, on view at e-flux until November 8th.
Voices for Creative Nonviolence http://www.vcnv.org
Emily-Jane Major, Marie Claire, R.I.P, 2004-6.
Beyond the social critique, I appreciate the necessary obviousness of this series in the way that it gives the viewer no choice but to shatter the illusion.
It is part of HpF 09 Helsinki's festival of photography, that aims to revisit fundamental questions regarding contemporary photographic practices.
HpF 09 opens 21 Jan and runs through 24 May 09.
Does time go slower for people who live in the past?
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