

Alongside of some really great work, Artist's Statement, an interactive, digital remediation will be at Object and Thought (across from the MCA) Thursday OCT 28th thru the 30th.

Rori Knudtson rknudtson.com
Caitlin Green galleryuccs.org


Womb Tomb @ A Motley Effort

Thanks to everyone who headed to the other side of the tracks to our cold and dirty installation site.
Extra x's and 0's to Nervosa Cringe, and Eric Hall,
for the help with construction, pod creation, and transportation.
The event was a great success and we've got the digitally enhanced images to prove it.
Below is an image of Salina's and my post-human, updated archetype.
Site specific installation needs to be experienced.
We applied great effort to induce phenomenological impact, so it pains me to simply show a still image but here it is anyway.

More images from the exhibition by Susan Porteous Evans at

photo by Steve Gottshall


A Motley Effort

First Friday show in RiNo at the dirty warehouse.
Visit my and Salina's installation, WombTomb.
(Guaranteed to offend christians or your money back)